Saddam's and Hitler's methods are the same

THE EDITOR: Modern history should really be taught in schools and made more accessible to all as common knowledge. Only then can one make an informed judgment.

In the days of Nazi Germany, Adolph Hitler started building his war machine while the world idly looked on with some concern, but no nation wanted to interfere. At the eleventh hour there was some diplomatic activity but it was too little too late. One morning Hitler sent his armies to overrun the neighbouring countries of Europe. His goal was to create the ‘Third Reich’ (The third world Empire) A nation of which, the blue eyed, blonde hair peoples of the world was going to be the ruling `master race’ (The Arian Race) every one else was going to be subservient to his ‘master race’ The jews were destined for extinction. Six million were sent to the gas chambers. Dark skinned people were destined to be `hewers of wood and drawers of water.’ Doomed to slavery with no rights whatsoever men like Jesse Owens and Joe Louis black heroes of the day, he totally despised, this is all recorded history. The amazing thing is that Hitler almost won had it not been for giant men like Churchill and Roosevelt and Montgomery and Eisenhower.

To Britain and America and the millions of men who died that we might live in peace and freedom: The whole world should be grateful. It is estimated that some 50 million souls lost their lives before the dust cleared. Now why did Saddam overrun Kuwait? Why is he building chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction? Who is he aiming at? Since he invaded Kuwait he has continued to build and plan for who or what? Why has he tortured and killed his opponents? I am saying that there is a distinct link between Saddam Hussein and Adolph Hitler.  Their pattern and methods are the same.

A people who forget history and past mistakes are doomed to repeat it. Saddam Hussein must be stopped, and the whole world should be grateful to America, Britain and all the other nations who are taking a firm stand against Saddam Hussein the modern day Adolph Hitler.


"Saddam’s and Hitler’s methods are the same"

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