Creator’s Embrace
On Monday April 7, Clint Charles aged 20, formerly of TT (Charles hardware) now residing in the USA was killed. He was the brother of Curt both former students of St Mary’s College. For all those who mourn for Clint and all citizens of our beloved nation who have met untimely deaths, here is a poem of consolation written by Clint and read at his funeral on Friday 11.
Awake from its slumber
My spirit rises
To embrace my creator
This heart is thirsty Lord
I have heeded your calling
I thirst for your knowledge
Which brings wisdom and understanding
And for your greater gifts
Love and Life everlasting
By humbleness
I portray
My gratitude.
May he rest in peace. Anyone wishing to contact the Charles family can call me at 622-4247.
"Creator’s Embrace"