‘Law Lord’s absurdity’

THE EDITOR: I refer to the above editorial- good work, take a bow. Let us look at the “Death penalty” (Judicial execution). Many countries have abolished this penalty and many of those same countries have their own Secret Services which, with the approval of their Governments, carry out extra-judicial executions (assassinations) of persons deemed dangerous to the State.

The UN Charter on human rights state that “no one may be deprived of life or liberty without due process of law.” So we have a situation where we cannot execute after due process because the death penalty was abolished. But a person deemed dangerous to the State can be executed without due process. The raw truth is that “governments operate best in the dark,” and the true role of Government is “to mislead the people.” Now go forth and oppose the war in Iraq or any other place in the world knowing full well that the reasons you give in support of your opposition has absolutely no bearing on the cause of the war. As Winston Churchill said “Little things start a war but they are not the cause of the war.”

Diego Martin


"‘Law Lord’s absurdity’"

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