Reflecting a balanced view
THE EDITOR: So adequately has the Newsday editorial given expression to my own views on this atrocious war and subsequent editorials, that for me to have written on this subject as I had intended would have been superfluous.
I liken this conflict not as Geoge W Bush would like us to see it as a humanitarian crusade but as an elephant trampling upon a mouse. I hasten to apologise for any offense “mouse” may cause but let it be understood not as a reference to any people or place but solely as a means of expression. The positive stand taken by Newsday over this issue is worthy of high praise. The Newsday be further commended for featuring foreign articles from such recognised journals as the English Observer and the Australian press, which is valuable in countering the biasness dished out to us over CNN and other American news media. The impartiality, which your newspaper has always shown in its efforts to give its readers a balanced view, should lead you to have as your motto:
Cornelio St
"Reflecting a balanced view"