Looking for Leyland Pile
THE EDITOR: I really enjoy reading your newspaper. If I had to rate you guys from 1 to 10, I would be wrong not to give you guys a 10...and now I am looking for a lost brother. His name is Leyland Pile. He was born in Guyana, migrated to Trinidad in 1977 and is now 43 years old. I have never seen him since he left Guyana. He was my favourite brother. We grew up together. I am now 40 years old. I have visited Trinidad four to five times looking for him and couldn’t find him. He has always been a void in my life. I am now living in the USA with a family and I am sure he has a family too. We came from a family of eight, Leyland is No 7 and I am No 8. Please help me find my lost brother. He was born on January 26, 1960. Parents were father Morris Converty, mother Elaine Pile.
LARRY PILE e-mail address: larryranks@yahoo.com
"Looking for Leyland Pile"