Chamber calls for immediate and drastic action on crime

The Chamber of Commerce is calling for immediate and drastic action at all levels to alleviate the increase in crime and criminal activities, in a bid to reclaim this country from the hands of merciless criminals. In a release yesterday, the Chamber noted that the situation was deteriorating daily and government and the Police Service must address the issue now before it is too late.

The Chamber is of the view that the recent murders of maxi-taxi driver Winston Monderoy, Sylvan Lochan and acting Insp Edward Williams clearly demonstrate that while there is a lack of adequate resources within the service, the nonchalance and complacency of the relevant authorities are contributing to the mounting crisis in the nation. “Criminals are not only fleecing off those who are trying to earn an honest living such as Monderoy, but they are trigger-happy and cold-blooded, murdering him in front of his wife, not because he protested, but because he flinched,” the release noted.

Chamber president Christian Mouttet said, “There is no longer any respect for human life and citizens need to hold those in authority accountable. “While the Chamber continues to advocate the passage of the Police Reform Bills, in its absence the Ministry of National Security and the police must find a way to correct the situation,” he noted.


"Chamber calls for immediate and drastic action on crime"

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