Societal problems affecting a growing TT
THE EDITOR: Gasparillo, one of the fastest growing communities in south Trinidad, yet the authorities fail to understand the pressures of the day-to-day life here in this small town. Sometimes you wonder if you are living in the "La Basse." When the stench from the drain rises, mostly at night, it is appalling. Often at times the water backs up, because the drains are clogged and the authorities have no clue on how to truly eradicate this problem. Another problem is that of traffic, which is unbearable. We need planners and leaders with the foresight and knowledge to plan properly. We were once boasted as a ‘‘Paradise Island.’’ Now what has this country come to? Dirty, clogged drains, traffic, and endless frustration. Come on, let’s make a difference now. KRIS GOOCHARRAN Executive Member National Alliance for Reconstruction
"Societal problems affecting a growing TT"