Free tertiary education will not be appreciated

THE EDITOR: I want to strongly disagree with the Finance Minister and Prime Minister for providing free tertiary education for all students of public schools. The culture of our people is of such that beneficiaries or recipients of any thing for free does not attach an iota of appreciation on to it. One quarter of such money could have been spent on extensive market research and development which would have resulted in a better moulded, developed quality student. The $34.1 Billion budget is too much of an expenditure especially when it is based on non renewable resources. Scientific innovation can lead to the decrease of oil and natural gas prices (not wishing of course) but we should not be gambling the generation of our revenue from that source.

There is too much spending on Social Capital projects. Would we be able to maintain such capital expenditure ten years from today? If the answer is no — would we then be constrained to go cap in hand to the IMF or the World Bank? I ask this cardinal question because we do not have sufficient economic organisation apart from the hydro carbon areas generating adequate revenue to sustain our capital expenditure.

Does the Budget in any meaningful was present an economic viability or buoyancy plan for our future generation? No meaningful discussion or suggestion to alleviate unemployment among our youths, who are our greatest asset has taken place, and this is heartless and immoral.

It would be a good idea, if government would influence trade union leaders to invest some of the millions they have deposited in banks and financial institutions in business such as factory — building and agriculture, etc. We already know from investigation certain areas where there is acute unemployment.

Let the union leaders designate those areas as "special" and appoint a special team working together with government to control industrial location and to do feasibility studies and projection, etc.

employment opportunities would be created here.

The government will be able to cash in on taxes from the profits of those business, which will ultimately result in the country’s economic growth, and a reduction in the social attendants that accompanies a depressed economy. Recent social studies in the US have shown that when unemployment is high among the young people of a country there is and increase in crime and the spate of robberies. The year 1991 was ample evidence of that.

To diffuse the unemployment situation government should continue the national Service Plan and embrace young people between 16 and 25 years. The programme can be for a period of two years and could cover a variety of activities whether at home or school, in the factory and in the field. The programme could form the basis not for military training but for constructive work particularly in new communities and agriculture and reforestation work, building of agricultural and access roads; laying of pipelines and electricity lines, agricultural irrigation projects and as a teaching auxiliaries.

The former President of America, Mr Ronald Regan did the very opposite to our finance minister. He increased capital allowance on fixed assets of corporations causing them to have extra money for investment, growth and development. But one of his conditions were that those companies would now assist in employing the unemployed depending on of course the type of business being conducted.

Why cant we develop the wood, paper and allied industries to meet world demand? Why can’t we develop the three swamps and plant adequate rice so that we may have to export. And what about exporting box- beef to help reduce or import bill and earn foreign exchange. Can’t we do like Guyana, make our own salt fish and smoke herrings in a big way? It is my wish that the government will take urgent stock of itself otherwise, we will leave our children in the years ahead to reap a sad legacy of extremely high taxes and reduce public services. The Budget lays no foundation for meeting challenges, facing problems and capitalisating on opportunities. It can best be described as a slipshod Budget.


Princes Town


"Free tertiary education will not be appreciated"

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