How does one reconcile ‘honour killings’

THE EDITOR: I recently heard a caller on a radio talk show discussing some aspects of African history, vis-a-vis the religious practices of the Ibos, Yorubas, Randas, Fulanis, Hausas, Madingos etc which were banned during their colonial enslavement. To paraphrase the caller — the ban was a deliberate attempt to suppress African culture and impose their euro-centric Christianity.

This is an undisputed fact. But he left this statement hanging in mid-air without giving the listeners the broader picture. Instead, he threw in the Concordat (the accommodation between Government and the religious schools) which only obfuscated the matter. What the caller failed to mention is that religion is the cornerstone of the judicial process. For without fixed ethical and moral guidelines, it is nigh impossible to dispense justice if there are contradicting beliefs on right or wrong social behaviour. For instance, how does one reconcile polygamy in a monogamous society? Or "child-marriages," "honour killing," etc in a society that frowns on such cultural practices. I believe those are the main reasons why certain religions were not legitimised. But then again, maybe I have it all wrong?




"How does one reconcile ‘honour killings’"

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