Accountability and transparency required by the Inland Revenue Division

THE EDITOR: The Inland Revenue Division operates as though it is not accountable to anyone for anything.

Tax returns are still outstanding from as far back as year 2000, even though these documents were submitted on time. Many individuals in this situation received no communication from the Inland Revenue Division.

In the absence of communication, individuals do not know what is the status of their outstanding tax returns. When taxes owed to the Inland Revenue Division are not paid before April 30 of the income year, the public is charged with interest, but the Inland Revenue Division does not hold itself responsible when it is at fault. There is need for some measure of accountability and transparency in the operation and function of the Inland Revenue Division. I am calling on the Commissioner of the Inland Revenue Division to please communicate with the tax-paying individuals and provide the status of all outstanding tax returns. The public is fed-up of hearing that it is processing.




"Accountability and transparency required by the Inland Revenue Division"

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