Lights Please Minister!

The Editor: Minister Pennelope Beckles tells us in her budget contribution, of the 3,113 streetlights installed by TTEC. Congratulations to TTEC and the Minister.

I again bemoan the fact however, that of the 36 high mast lights over the Barataria interchange, only eight are working. While the minister is shedding more light in the rural areas, her light is dimming in an area as important as the CR highway and Beetham intersection.

In a letter to the editor about six weeks ago I pointed this out, but no one at TTEC or the Ministry of Public Utilities seems to bother with the pleas of ordinary citizens. We celebrate and boast of the new lights — important for votes, but when old lights go out there is nothing to shout about. Talk about 2020 Vision!!

Michael J Williams

Maracas Valley


"Lights Please Minister!"

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