Law of Karma catches up with Panday
THE EDITOR: During the 2005/6 Budget debate, the leader of the Opposition was critical of the PNM Government agricultural policy. With respect to the disbursement of two acres of Caroni (1975) lands to former workers, Mr Panday pointed out that "only the most ignorant would know that two acres of land is not a viable agricultural holding." He then went on to paint a dismal futuristic scenario for "these peasant farmers." That future is left to be seen. But talk is really cheap, and to be critical is easy. What Mr Panday should have told the nation is what he considers to be an adequate acreage for these former sugar workers to operate viable farms. One recalls that the initial promise was to give five acres but the Government reneged on this plan. What is Panday and the UNC prepared to offer "these peasant farmers" and belatedly so? We want to know. More significant, Mr Panday just cannot be critical for the sake of criticism. He headed an administration — he was the Prime Minister of the country (1995-2001). What did he do towards the restructuring of Caroni (1975) Ltd, and for agriculture? Did not his administration under the Divestment Secretariat produce a plan for Caroni (1975) Ltd. Granted that the plan never reached the Cabinet level, the reality is that the Panday administration simply maintained the status quo with respect to Caroni (1975) Ltd, even in the face of vast changes in world trade arrangements. They planned retrenchment, minus the benefits which the PNM administration gave to the workers. Mr Panday further criticised the PNM of "condemning these people and their generations to be hewers of wood and drawers of water..." But under Panday they were just that, working for an unviable state owned agricultural company, with the majority being classified as "daily paid workers" because it was to the advantage of the union. At least on this occasion, they have two acres of land and should have received an enhanced VSEP irrespective of their status as "daily paid." The law of Karma has caught up with Mr Panday. He has just emerged from a hostile campaign, fighting for his political life, with name-calling and all. He is now calling for "foot-soldiers" to fight his political campaign, like Chinese Mao Tse Tung!!! Is he for real!!! Now, in the evening of his day he says "it is time to move on to other things and other places." Would Mr Panday’s future be as he describes it, or would his "retirement" be as he paints it for Mr Manning: "one day when you are old and grey and rocking away your sins in an old rocking chair, I shall tell you...." VIR SINGH Barrackpore
"Law of Karma catches up with Panday"