Mr Manning is a visionary

The Editor: I hope all those detractors of Prime Minister Manning now swallow their words and admit the man is a visionary. In fact he has been vindicated in his decision to build the Brian Lara stadium in Tarouba to house any victims of any possible tsaunami in TT.

After the events of Sunday when giant waves in Maracas almost caused destruction and loss of life we can only be thankful for having a leader with the strength and vision to ensure our safety.

For those detractors who say that the coast line is too far from Tarouba, they forget the mass transit system due to be installed. Not to forget the ferry/watertaxi plans for moving people between Port-of-Spain and Point Fortin. These and many more visionary plans are awaiting implementation over the next few years.

Fear not people of TT, your future is in good hands in your beloved Prime Minister.

Thelma Joseph

La Brea


"Mr Manning is a visionary"

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