Playing smart with stupidness
THE EDITOR: It seems to me that Mr Panday is "playing smart with stupidness." He claims that the position of Opposition Leader in Parliament is unrelated to the post of Political Leader of the UNC. That the Opposition Leader is only, he who commands the support of the majority of MP’s not in government. Panday and his supporters must, however, ask themselves this question. As MP’s of the United National Congress shouldn’t that leader, Mr Dookeran, in fact be able to command their support for the post of Opposition Leader? He is after all the leader of the organisation. What Panday and his crew are saying is that they do not support their own political leader Mr Dookeran. In that case there is only one option left to Chairman Panday and his "Patriots." They must follow the example of others who have disagreed with their party’s leadership. They must follow the example of Hulsie Bhaggan, Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj, Trevor Sudama, Ralph Maraj. They must, in fact, follow Panday’s own example and Humphrey back in 1988. Chairman Panday and his patriots must leave the UNC. VISHNU PERSAD Chaguanas
"Playing smart with stupidness"