Ban violent video games

THE EDITOR: What is the point of a million signatures being presented to the Government? Why don’t we do something real?

For example:

1. Lobby the Leader of the Opposition who has to date refused to meet the Prime Minister to talk and vote on the Crime and Police Bill?

2. Have a campaign among the signatories to instead of marching, not hit a woman or girl for one month at a time. Many murders are of domestic violent and male rage.

3. Have all parents among the signatories agree not to have violent video games in their homes, nor to allow their children to visit video game arcades. Youth violence, as if killing is a game, is being taught insidiously and the youth crime rate is increasing.

4. Have all parents among the signatories agree to listen to their children for half an hour every week, for one month at a time. Our youth are being influenced by non-family members more and more, and we know our children less and less.

5. Ask businessmen among the signatories to seek ways to be contented with less profit, bribe less police and politicians and allow poorer people working for them to earn enough to live a good life.

6. Ten percent of our signatories own 90 percent of the wealth of this country. Since we all end up six feet below, why not employ more persons, make less profit and have a more equitable distribution of resources.

7. Appeal to all signatories to discourage fake kidnappers who pretend to kidnap a member of their family in order to get money from an unsuspecting family member.

8. All signatories can adopt a child of their area and be a mentor to this child until the child grows up.

9. Each of the signatories has a role to play. The Government can do its part to provide the policies and resources for Public Service to do its work. But each of us must do better in our lives with our women, children and persons who work with us or should. Let us change our lives. Where does marching get us?




"Ban violent video games"

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