Beetham blues
THE EDITOR: As the people of Beetham and Sea Lots await word from the Housing Minister, Dr Keith Rowley, on their options so as to ready themselves for what might be difficult times with the process of relocation and their rights with regards to the acquisition of land prior to formal vesting in the State No 7 order 2000. It states, the Commissioner of Lands is authorised to take possession of the parcel of land comprising 3,600 square metres more or less situated between the entrance to the Port Authority in Wrightson Road and the St Ann’s River on the Beetham Highway. The law of imminent domain immediately takes effect and there is virtually nothing the people can do to stop it, but begin to seek legal advice for compensation. People must now document all necessary details and come together to mobilise a team of attorneys to come up with the best compensatory package. As a result of the following, questions must be taken into consideration: What is the criteria for transition? What is Government’s proposal with respect to compensation to home owners? After living on the land for over 33 years, do people have any rights of ownership in the law? What obligation is there in the law to protect the interest of people with respect to possible loss? Are people obligated to move with regards to the way in which the houses were acquired? Will our parliamentary representative support our interest in this struggle? Will people be able to afford the temporary accommodation or will the property provide for large families? What will be the outcome for those people in arrears and how will they be treated? CHRISTOPHER ADAMS Beetham
"Beetham blues"