Danger lurking in Boissiere
THE EDITOR: As a member of the Management Committee of the Boissiere Primary Catholic School I thought it relevant to bring to the attention of the motoring public, and the Transport Division of Trinidad and Tobago a recurring situation. The situation, if allowed to go unchecked, could result in the loss of life of children attending that school, or adults, through vehicular negligence or thoughtlessness of drivers. During the August vacation of 2005, a vehicle travelling from south to north, during the wee hours of the morning, mounted the pavement and broke down a portion of the school’s perimeter wall; resulting in the death of one of the occupants of the vehicle. For sometime now, the Transport Division instituted a one way flow of traffic, between Rapsey Street and the Country Club junction in Boissiere, between the hours of 6 am to 8.30 am. The result is a flow of traffic in a southern direction only. As an experimental traffic solution, a sign at the St Clair roundabout together with no entry signs and police presence at the Rapsey Street, Saddle Road junction, gives an indication to the temporary regulation. On many mornings police officers stationed at the Rapsey Street, Saddle Road junction, can be seen writing up traffic charges, for motorists attempting to enter Boissiere. Many tourists not acquainted with this area, are not familiar with the temporary signage, which lacks proper visibility at the St Clair roundabout. On Wednesday October 12, 2005 around 7.30 am, a vehicle travelling in the north to south direction, along this road, averted a head-on collision, with another vehicle driven south to north, against the temporary traffic regulation. The result was that one driver, manipulated her vehicle into the said school perimeter wall, as the other vehicle, mounted the pavement bounded to the Ellerslie Plaza. The collapse of the school wall, could have resulted in the death of a child or children who normally play in that area. Too often in this country, through the untimely death of children, we are deprived of our sons and daughters of the future. Temporary traffic regulations must be well defined and supported. There is nothing such as temporary death. RODERICK PILLAI Maraval
"Danger lurking in Boissiere"