Yetming, a man of principle
THE EDITOR: Although it may result in the end of his political career (at least with the UNC), I applaud Gerald Yetming’s open condemnation of Basdeo Panday’s methods and handling of party affairs. It was a thoroughly courageous move that amply demonstrates Yetming as a man of principle. His relegation to the back- benches is both notable and ironic. To my mind, it is to the back- benches that UNC members and supporters should look for inspiration, as Yetming joins Fuad Khan and Gillian Lucky, the only other UNC members (so far) who have had the courage to disagree with Panday. Hopefully, more UNC MPs of character will voice their dissatisfaction and teach Panday a true lesson in democracy. In the meantime, I look forward to Dookeran flexing his muscles as political leader. R MOORE Woodbrook
"Yetming, a man of principle"