All not that rosy in Canada

THE EDITOR: Please permit me to express my opinion and experiences since migrating to Canada on April 14, 2004.

I must admit the first year was a good year as I was not residing in Toronto but in south west Ontario, however, when I made the decision to relocate to Toronto then I discovered how difficult and at times impersonal this country is.

Canadians are in my experience, a very good and friendly people, however, the immigrants outnumber the "original Canadians," especially in Toronto and hence this has resulted in a strain on the Canadian Social Security System.

Many of these newly landed immigrants are very well qualified including myself, however, due to the competitive nature of the main cities and the limited opportunities available it has become a shoppers’ mart and some migrants have been waiting to get into their fields for periods of between 3-7 years, during that time many have taken jobs in factories and most notable in the fast food industry where their percentages are approximately 70 percent.

Many of the individuals I meet on a daily basis at the local resource centre have come to Canada with their families and most are employed on a part-time basis earning the minimum wage or less, to some it is an improvement from where they originated but to others it is a source of grave disappointment.

It is my belief that should you wish to migrate to Canada, please be forewarned of the many obstacles that you are likely to encounter and exercise the utmost patience as very little will be gained in the short term, in terms of job placements and career aspirations, be prepared financially, mentally and spiritually for the long haul and never lose sight of your objective


Toronto, Canada


"All not that rosy in Canada"

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