A country that has lost its way
THE EDITOR: We boast of inventing the steel pan instrument, the greatest invention in the 20th century, but we cannot control the economy, why is this so? Is it because we have never received so much money for our energy product oil? This product has never realised so much money as $70 a barrel. Years ago our first Prime Minister, the late Dr Eric Williams introduced party politics for the first time in this country. The PNM was successful in winning the first two elections, at this time the country showed great potential, and the promise of good things to come, but as time went by certain promises were shattered with certain selfish over-ambitious politicians at that time.
After the death of Dr Eric Williams, the new Prime Minister, George Chambers found the country tough economically, and announced to the citizens to band their bellies and tighten their belts. As time went by, the oil prime improved and once again Trinidad seemed destined to be a great nation, but again, with bad management we had to float the dollar to help build the economy. But lo and behold, the NAR came into power, and we again had great expectations, but that was also short-lived with rash innovations in reviving the economy. This should have been done systematically, but the taking away of financial benefits, and then imposing VAT in close succession greatly affected working people to the hilt, many citizens migrated with little money they had looking for a better life. The then Prime Minister may have had good intentions but his approach caused the NAR to lose the election.
Then the advent of the UNC government, after the PNM lost. At this time the country showed great promise once again with limited funds at their disposal and the country started to rise again. It was not the amount of money, but the astute management of the lame economy. But funny connotations started to raise their ugly heads but inspite of this setback, the country started to show great progress while controlling the crime problem at that time bringing down the murders from 146 in 1994 to 93 in 2001, then improving the health sector, education, while there was a general improvement all around. At this time, foreign investors made frequent visits quite unlike this time because of the crime situation. There was great hope of building a prosperous nation.
But certain people in the UNC government at that time may have had ulterior motives and caused the collapse of the government that was making great progress but once again there was a grave setback in building this nation. Then the present regime came back into power with a strengthened economy, and the luck of even having got the highest oil price, and yet there is grandiose poverty in this rich beautiful country of ours. The serious crime situation is crippling this country, and I declare that this country has lost its way.
"A country that has lost its way"