TT should help Pakistan

THE EDITOR: Manning is quoted as saying that he is "the undisputed leader of the PNM". I take issue and I propose to show not only that he is not the undisputed leader of his party, but he in fact the disputed leader of that party.

About one week after Hurricane Katrina struck the USA and particularly the state of Louisiana, including the city of New Orleans, Mr Patrick Manning in the name of the people of Trinidad and Tobago donated $2 billion to the relief effort of the USA arguably the richest country in the world which can afford to spend, inter alia, $45 million (US) per day in the so-called war in Iraq.

Yet, nearly a month after a devastating earthquake (described as worse than the Boxing Day tsunami) in Pakistan and the Pakistani President begging daily and yet not a word from the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. But there are our brothers and sisters in the Commonwealth with whom we play cricket and have cultural ties and yet nothing. A Pakistani is now the General Manager of the Hilton Trinidad and between you and me he is doing more for TT than many citizens and businessmen of this country. I can think of one reason for the silence of the Government of TT on this very serious matter. Can you think of another?


Champs Fleurs


"TT should help Pakistan"

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