Westmoorings cry for help

THE EDITOR: This is an open letter to the Minister of Works from a resident of Westmoorings-by-the-Sea.

In a well-meaning effort by your department, to accommodate persons going west on the Western Main Road and wishing to get to Westmoorings North or Diego Martin, it was decided to have them go around the roundabout at the entrance to Westmoorings-by-the-Sea, then cross to the other side.

This often results in a gridlock at the entrance to Westmoorings North, South, Regents Park and the Western Main Road during peak hours in the morning when residents have to get to work and their children to school, as well as in the evening when returning home.

As a solution to the stress and inconvenience caused to motorists, I suggest that your department consider installing two turning lights at the intersection to allow traffic to turn right to Westmoorings North and beyond when the arrow is green and, simultaneously, motorists going to Westmoorings-by-the-Sea or Regents Park would be able to get there without being stuck in a line for hours. There are grassy areas on both sides of the intersection that could be used to widen the road and the median could also be shifted to allow for the turning lanes.

If my suggestion is found feasible there would be no need to have the posts that were erected for traffic entering and leaving both Westmoorings North and South, which have been so badly damaged by reckless motorists that they are now unsightly.




"Westmoorings cry for help"

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