Make donations to funerals

THE EDITOR: In the more advanced countries, at the demise of friend or relative, a donation is made towards the cost of burial.

In Trinidad and Tobago the cost of the average burial is expensive. I am suggesting to our people to put embarrassment aside and request donations to assist in burying their dead.

I hope in the very near future people in Trinidad adopt the custom of providing financial help towards bereaved families without them having to request help in a discreet manner.

People donate alcohol, food and whatever it takes to keep the "wake" going but not towards the funeral cost.

In Tobago the people contribute in all forms without asking questions. Meanwhile, people do not be embarrassed to request donations.

Forget what the dead might think, as they might have other problems dependant in what direction they might go.


Pt Cumana


"Make donations to funerals"

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