His Excellency Austin Jack Warner

THE EDITOR: In the tide of worldly affairs, on occasions far too rare, events occur, the joyous import of which behooves Trinbagonians thenceforth utterly to extinguish their every interpersonal grouse, vendetta, disagreement and dislike. The epic triumph of the Trinidad and Tobago National Football Team at Manama, Bahrain, on Wednesday November 16, 2005 is, without doubt, one such event.

Accordingly, I wish to urge that every single Trinbagonian warmly, sincerely, and unhesitatingly now embrace His Excellency, Austin Jack Warner, as President of CONCACAF and Vice-President of FIFA, but never without enduring and unwavering determination and service, has played an Herculean role in moving Trinidad and Tobago, at long last, into the uppermost echelons of those proficient at playing the most popular sport in the world.

Recognising such, and for fear of being numbered amongst those as are described in the old Latin adage, "Extinctus amabitur idem," the people of Five Rivers, Arouca now so embrace you, Your Excellency! God bless Trinidad and Tobago.



PS: "Extinctus amabitur idem" means: "The same man that was envied and despised when he lived, shall be loved when he is gone."


"His Excellency Austin Jack Warner"

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