Serving the almighty dollar
THE EDITOR: Since 1498 there has been a special relationship between the Blessed Trinity and the most southernly of the Caribbean chain of Islands. Columbus, with a near mutinous crew, was led to this land as a source of refuge. Columbus saw the three hills of the Southern Range and the spirit of God spoke in his heart and he called the land after the Blessed Trinity — Father, Son and Holy Spirit — three distinct persons in a Trinity of Love. The land was blessed with natural resources of oil, natural gas and a lake of pitch. People of diverse races and cultures were led to this land and a special mixture was created that inspired Archbishop Tutu to refer to the people of this land as a Rainbow People. The land prospered and was fruitful. The Blessed Trinity protected the land, defending it from threats from the North in 1983, guiding the eye of a hurricane between it and Tobago and watching over it through an attempted coup. But the people of this special land turned away from the Blessed Trinity. They forsake the name of their God and turned to money and materialism. They became corrupt and would do anything for the almighty dollar. They worshipped a blue note with the number 100 on it. They killed one another in the streets, fighting over this blue note and the land ran red with blood. |They transported illicit drugs from the South to all areas north of their borders, corrupting all people who come in contact with these drugs. They were responsible for a great amount of evil. Finally they forgot their spiritual relationship with the Blessed Trinity. But God in his mercy sent a huge fire to burn down a large portion of the centre of business in the capital city. The fire damaged a small portion of the spire of the Trinity Cathedral. The message was clear: Turn from your greed and your wickedness or the whole of the Trinity will be destroyed. Will the people of this land finally stand firm for the Blessed Trinity or will they capitulate and deny the name of their God? Will religious teachers and holy men be afraid to stand up for their God? If we deny the name of the Trinity we have only ourselves to blame for what happens in our country in the future. DR RICHARD CLERK Port-of-Spain
"Serving the almighty dollar"