Stop playing with the minds of the Tarouba residents

THE EDITOR: Several correspondence were sent to the San Fernando City Corporation pleading the replacement of the WASA water supply main, reconstruction of drains and road at Tarouba and Marabella, as these were severely damaged by the heavy vehicular traffic and construction material used for the construction of the nearby NHA Development.

While the residents await the reconstruction works to commence, the road remains in a deplorable condition and has become impassable in certain areas, as no maintenance work takes place. Drains reconstruction have recently commenced at different locations without planning and foresight. The contractor is moving swiftly from one location to another without continuity. Taxpayers’ money is being spent without supervision by the recognised authority, as there is absolutely no quality assurance management on this project.

In the absence of any communication from the San Fernando City Corporation who has the responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of this area and to whom taxes are paid, the residents are not informed of what is taking place in the area. Some drains are being reconstructed, driveways are being broken-up and reconstructed very poorly. Let’s make something very clear here, if the contractor is put there by NH International because of an agreement between the San Fernando City Corporation and NH International, the San Fernando City Corporation is still responsible and must be accountable for the lack of quality assurance on this project, as well as keeping the residents informed. NH International is not accountable to the residents for anything.

If the WASA water supply main, which runs along the route of this road is not replaced, the entire road reconstruction project would be a total failure. I am calling on the San Fernando City Corporation to inform the taxpaying residents of what exactly is taking place as well as the plans for the area. Urgent and regular road maintenance is required, while we await the replacement of the WASA water supply main and permanent reconstruction of the road and drainage. Please do not take all of the residents at Tarouba for fools or people who are not aware of our rights.




"Stop playing with the minds of the Tarouba residents"

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