Invasion of rats, flies and mosquitoes
THE EDITOR: Please publish this letter, hoping it may catch the eyes of the great Minister of Health, Mr John Rahael. It concerns tall, thick overgrown bushes on empty land. One such place is on the eastern side of Mungal Trace, Orange Field Road, Chase Village, which is an eyesore, a health hazard and a disgrace in such a built-up area. It is causing an invasion of huge rats, flies and mosquitoes. Numerous complaints have been made to officers of this area (Couva North), such as the Health Administration Office, CEO of CTTRC and Chief Supervisor and even EMA through TTPost, via telephone and person to person, and nothing is being done. Nobody seems to care about people’s health. Those in authority are not doing the job they are paid to do. J J FRANCIS Chase Village
"Invasion of rats, flies and mosquitoes"