Drowning in solid waste
THE EDITOR: Congrats to the Bermudez group of companies on its new venture, launched this last week. I have tasted two items, and they were both fresh and tasty. At Maritime Plaza, Richmond Street and Curepe, dispensers were almost empty when I was there. A word of caution to the management team: You have introduced a lot more plastic wrapping and containers into our environment. In a country, whose Government has not yet stringently enforced the Litter Act and with citizens who can be plain "nasty," it is incumbent on you, as a good corporate citizen, to now launch fresh recycling in 2006. We the citizens want it convenient and clean. This will promote you as "conscious" business leaders who not only rake in big bucks, but who ensure modern business practices too. Our country is drowning in solid waste, not to mention other types. It is striking and embarrassing compared to other Caribbean islands. Like other Third World countries, it is private enterprise which will and must set the trend. Your example can be a sterling example to other local manufacturers. By the way, recycling is big bucks in most developed countries. We all look forward to hearing something from your CEO and management on this. J WILLIAMS-SCHMIDHAMMER Maracas Valley, St Joseph
"Drowning in solid waste"