Prioritise grassroots issue first

THE EDITOR: The recent pronouncements to transform this island to world class status appear to be ill-timed. The construction of skyscrapers, flyovers, mega stadium and the introduction of the metrorail appear to be the priority at this time.

While the undertaking of these large projects is vital for our progress, I question why the more immediate task of delivering proper basic services — water, drainage and agriculture — is just a blip on the nation’s development radar.

In some parts of the country, we are constantly reminded that the water supply in some neighbourhoods hovers around less than one bucket a day per household against an accepted minimum international standard of five buckets a day.

The recent downpours have paralysed our urban and rural centres. Main thoroughfares, bridges, roads, farmers’ crops and livestock were washed away thus affecting our already depleting food basket.

To quell discontent leaders rush in like messiahs to balance living on the edge of uncertainty with promises of mediocrity only to be present thereafter when the ugly situation rises its head once again.

It is true that we are now living in a global era, however, policymakers need to realise that the progress of a country is much more than the glitter of skyscrapers, flyovers, mega stadium and a metrorail and these projects should not be part of a symbol to satisfy the political elite’s obsession for grandeur.

But, we need to prioritise the grassroot issues first before launching ourselves full-scale into grandiose schemes.

If only greater part of our resources is focused on the basics such as, a proper implementation of garbage-free neighbourhoods, adequate water supply, roads, drainage, shoreline erosion, the glitter that will be derived will unquestionably be appreciated by all in our march towards developed status.


Gulf View


"Prioritise grassroots issue first"

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