Pilots licensed to kill

THE EDITOR: Combat Helicopters, no problem, buy them. We have pilots flying for the oil companies trained for combat flying. All, to my knowledge are foreign nationals but whether it’s foreign or local there will be a problem.

We all know the captain of a ship can marry couples and in fact he is a law unto himself once he puts to sea but by the same token he is held responsible once he is in command. He is held responsible for anything his passengers, crew including officers do.

If police officers are on his vessel he is in command of them also. This same rules of responsibility apply to captains of aircraft.

So let’s look at the situation of the captain pilot of these combat helicopters, he is chasing a car or a boat at sea and gives a command for them to stop.

Remember these are gunships with heavy shells, not little bullets, they have big stuff.

Those he is chasing refuse to stop, they are terrified or don’t hear him. What does he do? Shoot and kill or call his Commanding Officer, Minister of National Security or the Prime Minister and asks can he shoot.

He does shoot and kills somebody, not necessarily a passenger of the car or boat. It could be an innocent bystander. It could be the people in the boat or car are innocent.

Charges have to be brought against somebody for the killings and the compensation they may have to pay. Remember the captain is held responsible for anything done from his vessel.

I bet you the pilots commanding officer, the Minister of National Security or the prime minister will not be held accountable for the order to shoot and kill. Not even a co-pilot will be held responsible, it’s the captain and be sure about it he can be charged for murder. Our constitution does not give a persons license to kill, not even the army have that right without a state of emergency being declared, and therefore there will have to be a constitutional change giving those pilots of gunships license to kill or declare a state of emergency after the fact of a killing.

How many pilots are going to take on that job without assurances that they have a license to kill and not face prosecution later.


Valsayn South


"Pilots licensed to kill"

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