‘Rise up, preach the Gospel, take back the nations’
THE EDITOR: Kindly permit me some space to let the public know that the Catholic Church is very concerned about the undesirable state of relationships in our societies and that this Friday, January 6 to Sunday January 8, 2006, Catholic Charismatic Renewal will be holding its 15th Caribbean Conference at the University of the West Indies, St Augustine with the theme — "Rise Up, Preach the Gospel, Take Back the Nations" — Joel 1: 2-4; Mark 16:16 to treat with this matter from a spiritual perspective. Starting Friday 9 am with Holy Mass, Dominica’s Bishop Gabriel Malzaire’s homily will be based on "The Role of The Laity in this Millennium." Following Mass, there will be a procession of flags of the 20 nations participating; Archbishop of Port-of-Spain, Archbishop Edward Gilbert will formally open the conference; Suriname and Tobago will make cultural presentations; Trinidad will lead the assembly in praise and worship; Fr Anthony Ozele of USA will expand on the theme "Rise Up"; Fr Ian Taylor will talk on "The Nations at War, Spiritual Warfare" and at 5 pm Fr Trevor Nathasingh will start the healing service. On Saturday, Fr Reginald Hezekiah celebrates Holy Mass at 7 am; St Lucia leads "Praise, Worship, Prophesy and Intercession for the Nations"; Fr Ozele talks on "Preach the Gospel — Sower and the Seed and ‘Discipleship’", workshops follow and the day ends with an Altar Call — Commitment Ceremony. Sunday, Aruba leads "Praise, Worship, Prophesy and Intercession for the youth"; Fr Arnold Francis of Antigua who is presently Parish Priest of Our Lady of the Universe RC Church, Bourg Mulatresse and lectures at the Regional Seminary at Mt St Benedict, will speak on the topic "Take Back the Nations." The conference will close with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 2.30 pm and the chief celebrant and Homilist will be Archbishop Edward J Gilbert. Everyone is invited. Come and be a part of this dynamic and powerful weekend of spiritual teaching and healing. Meet and share this time with our Caribbean neighbours. Contact any prayer group leader or lay community for registration forms or CCR’s office at Caroni 645-2902 or 645-0525. Let’s come together as people of faith to agree and learn how to rise up from our inertia, seek and speak truth, and take back our children, families, friends and communities, hence the nations, from the enemy. LAURA LA CAILLE Tacarigua
"‘Rise up, preach the Gospel, take back the nations’"