How do you feel under PNM rule

THE EDITOR: With 2006 being this country’s 44th year of Independence and with the PNM having been in government for 34 of those year and over $140 billion to be spent by them in the last five years and corruption, nepotism, intellectual bankruptcy, moronic management and obscene discrimination a way of the PNM’s survival, how do you feel?

A blimp was bought for over $20 million and has been found to be useless and obsolete within one year, how do you feel? Good?

That blimp having been a colossal waste of poor people’s monies and your PNM government has gone and rented another foreign used blimp at over $6 million a month that was used for advertisement, how do you feel? Satisfied?

To see that there are five under-utilised sporting stadia to service less than one hundred thousand persons and to know that your PNM government is spending over $1 billion on one that is termed a tsunami centre, how do you feel? Jubilant?

With a murder rate that has increased drastically over the last five years, how do you feel? Safe? To know that your PNM has been representing Laventille people for 50 years and they are still begging for water, roads, employment, food, shelter etc, how do you feel? Oh so satisfied!

To know that you pay exorbitant Health Surcharge dues and you cannot get medical attention in Trinidad that you have to run to Cuba and Venezuela, how do you feel? Healthy?

To know that this country is financially well off and you have the Judiciary receiving foreign used computer gifts to be used in the courts that are highly likely not to be used, how do you feel? Independent?

To see that your PNM government depends on handouts from foreign diplomats, how do you feel? Funny? I know that no PNM will feel less than a man or woman knowing that after 44 years of Independence they are still dependent and backward for they are immune to shame.

There is still that gimme gimme attitude that prevails. What about the Eyes In the Sky, are they mobile hotels? Who knows?


Sangre Grande


"How do you feel under PNM rule"

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