Port-of-Spain not cold like Dublin
THE EDITOR: I write on behalf of the Friends of the Homeless Committee in reply to Marion O’Callaghan’s criticism of the St Vincent de Paul Society’s work in helping the homeless at the Centre for the Socially Displaced Persons. This appeared in Newsday’s article headlined "Happy New Year Vagrant" of Monday January 2, 2006. She seems to feel that the way things are done in Dublin is the way to go but admits that 1,000 people "sleep rough" in Dublin. Remember, the temperature, at times falls very low and can cause death in Dublin. This never happens in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, where the temperature is never very cold. In cities like Dublin, therefore, there is the great incentive from cold weather for many more people who are homeless to rehabilitate themselves and get off the streets as opposed to Trinidad. This shows why it was originally asked by the former head of the St Vincent de Paul to ask people to feed the homeless in the Centre for Socially Displaced Persons and not on the streets of Port-of-Spain. The Centre for Socially Displaced Persons which is run by the Society of St Vincent de Paul on behalf of the State continues to help the homeless and has produced many rehabilitated homeless persons since its inauguration in 1991, when it was started by then Prime Minister, Mr ANR Robinson. The impression given in some of Marion O’Callaghan’s written statements about "tough love" and ‘And the City Council’ is incorrect. It is the Government not the St Vincent de Paul Society who is picking up certain vagrants that appear to be mentally ill and only the Government’s qualified officer from the mental hospital who is present allows this to be done. The police who are also present are there to ensure order. You have to realise that it is extremely difficult to handle mentally ill people. Even in Dublin the mentally ill homeless people have to be restrained and taken away for treatment in the mental asylum with police present to ensure no harm is done to innocent bystanders. Please remember these mentally ill patients have been known to seriously damage and even kill innocent people while in the streets, so the Government is acting correctly to help take in and cure these mentally ill persons in the mental hospital. All are invited to our meetings to see and help in the good work that goes on at the Centre for Socially Displaced Persons run by the St Vincent de Paul Society. One may call 624-5297/623-4926 for further information on the time and date of our meetings. ANTHONY ARRINDELL Secretary of the Friends of the Homeless Committee, Port-of-Spain
"Port-of-Spain not cold like Dublin"