Condoleeza, what you’re doing is not right
THE EDITOR: Condoleeza Rice struts the world stage doing the bidding of her master, the mighty George "Dubya" Bush. She defends his misdeeds with the arrogance of the conqueror, imperious and majestic in her hauteur. Did the US hold Arab prisoners in third countries? Maybe we did, maybe we didn’t but if we did, it was with the knowledge of the governments of those countries. Did the US torture prisoners to obtain information? The US does not condescend to such behaviour but in any event, it was for the greater good, ie the prevention of "terrorist" acts. The Vienna Convention does not apply. Does this woman cry in her pillow at night, repenting the pain and suffering that her government has brought on another person’s country? Does she lay awake regretting the thousands of deaths caused by an unnecessary, unwarranted and totally unjustifiable war? Would she feel the same way if it were another country committing such atrocities? Or if the United States were the victim? Maybe she would, because she seems to feel no pain, or shame, at the suffering of the poor black people of New Orleans. KARAN MAHABIRSINGH Carapichaima
"Condoleeza, what you’re doing is not right"