The adventures of Jack

THE EDITOR: Jack "the Giant Killer" is the name that crops up whenever the talk reverts to the exploits of football. He is getting the headlines whenever he speaks on any topic based on the games. In fact he is getting the lime light in the field of politics also if we are to suppose his nimble footwork in the UNC is worthy of mention. Surely Jack is a man for all seasons - Jack the man of the nimble feet both on the field of politics. One minute he is attacking the icons of his political party the next he is on their side blissfully taking potshots at the insurrectionist on the other side. He is full of surprises.

"Voila," the PM steps in and declares that a contingent of TT cultural performers would, with the sanction of the Government go to the games to showcase TT and lend support to the players. It is going to be large and significant. The PM wants a choice in the matter. It is not going to be travel with Jack or walk. Mr Warner is of course peeved. What is the Government to do? It appears that this move by the Government is going to cause Mr Warner some embarrassment from two stand points — protocol as well as principle.

What is Mr Warner implying that it is okay for the team to visit Bahrain with a steel band but it is not a violation of protocol and principle to do the same in Germany? Come now Jack, don’t be as stubborn as your namesake.




"The adventures of Jack"

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