UNC Barataria/San Juan greetings

THE EDITOR: On behalf of the UNC Executive Committee for the constituency of Barataria/San Juan, I wish all our constituents and by extension the people of Trinidad and Tobago a productive, prosperous and peaceful New Year.

We in Barataria/San Juan remain committed to the principles of service and ensuring that the constituency is ready for the upcoming elections. A new mobilisation drive will be engaged in the near future. We are proud to still have a working relationship with our Member of Parliament Dr Fuad Khan and we look forward to further increasing our membership as we begin preparation for Local Government Elections 2006.

Politics in Trinidad and Tobago must not only be geared towards attaining public office, but to serving the community in whatever ways we are called upon to serve. We in the UNC in Barataria/San Juan remain ever vigilant and ready to ensure that all citizens are offered equal opportunity and not made victims of alienation and discrimination.



UNC Barataria/San Juan


"UNC Barataria/San Juan greetings"

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