How low can BWIA go?
THE EDITOR: How much sick time do BWIA employees get? Remember sick time is not an entitlement to be abused whether one is sick or not — the typical Trini attitude is “ah have sick time so ah go take it” — this is not 2020 thinking. My wife, who is also a 60-year-old Trini, has worked for 18 years in the United States without a single day of sick time — it is called taking pride in your work. How many public holidays are there in Trinidad? The politicians like to compare Trinidad with the US when it comes to crime, there are only about eight-ten public holidays in the US compared to 15-20 in Trinidad, not to mention the “impromptu” ones like the PM giving a public holiday for the Soca Warriors.
Do the union leaders and the politicians realise that the abundance of public holidays affects the already low productivity, not to mention the artificial creation of overtime opportunities? The Government and BWIA officials need to stop making excuses for the ineptitude and inefficiency of BWIA and come to grips with the real problems at BWIA and stop wasting good money after bad. I have lived abroad for 30 years and have tired to not use BWIA whenever possible, and there are thousands of Trinis who share this sentiment. Why should BWIA improve its performance, when it can continue with its lackadaisical, lacklustre, don’t care a damn attitude, knowing full well that the Government will continue to bail them out year after year? Thank God other airlines still fly from Miami to Trinidad.
"How low can BWIA go?"