Monica on target

THE EDITOR: I do not see why Monica Gopaul should be disappointed with President Richards for replying to GOPIO’s letter complaining about the composition of the Board of the Elections and Boundaries Commission.

In my view, President Richards has to respond to all correspondence he receives, unless it is threatening or obscene.

However, the position which she takes on GOPIO and other such organisations has my full support.

In other words, the real issue is not the exchange of letters between Richards and GOPIO, but the concept being thrust on the population — there must be racial balance on boards, commissions, and state companies.

So what about merit, performance, experience and integrity? Are these ingredients to be discarded as being unimportant?

It is sad that this culture of absurdity continues. As soon as the UNC came into office, the boards of various government organisations were all changed, and persons of East Indian descent replaced those who were discharged. When the PNM was returned to office, the pendulum swung again.

We must stop this now. Perhaps the constitution should be amended to give the President sole responsibility for naming citizens of stature to all non-private sector organisations.

Please continue writing Ms Gopaul. Your letters make great reading, and they represent insightful and refreshing impartiality — qualities which I am sure exist in our society, but which few are able to express with such clarity.


San Fernando


"Monica on target"

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