Real danger facing young people
THE EDITOR: In Trinidad and Tobago we have been touched by the AIDS epidemic but work is in progress to provide drugs necessary to control this disease. Unfortunately, the sexual urge is strong in this country and only education could do anything about this fact, but we have a very real danger facing this young nation. The gang murders, the senseless slaughter on our roads and the ever-rising crime wave. The system that the government has in place continue to demonstrate incompetence while they are searching for rapid remedies. Brigadier Peter Joseph, head of the Special Anti-Crime Unit, noted that in the United Kingdom it took five years before air-ships helped to reduce crime. Brigadier Joseph is not in the business of public relations or a politician, hence the reason for his sincerity. However this truth is not what a desperate people want to hear. If the present rate of crime continues, far too many people will be dead by 2010. A R JORDAN Sangre Grande
"Real danger facing young people"