Electricity hike is distressing
THE EDITOR: It was very distressing to see and hear a particular gentleman on television recommending an increase of electricity charges across the board. The senior citizens of this country who are mostly pensioners are finding it extremely difficult to survive on their monthly pension of $1,150. Are you now asking them to pay more for electricity along with the daily escalation of food price? Have a heart. How many government offices and State Boards owe the corporation thousands of dollars? When the Prime Minister presented his budget of so many billion of dollars, nothing was provided for these poor people (pensioners and underprivileged) who have nobody to assist them and depend on that monthly pittance for survival, but yet you are trying to increase their suffering. These people should be exempted from paying this additional electricity charges and let it be subsidised by the government. J CALLENDER Santa Cruz
"Electricity hike is distressing"