The ambitious and the shameless

THE EDITOR: We live in a country of two cultures. One with certain people with ambition seeking scholarships to universities to study to be lawyers or doctors and then there are those who are seeking to be gunsmiths and criminals. What a shame! Those who choose this way of life are worthless, unambitious, make no contribution, and are a menace to the public. We must face reality and speak out the truth of what we are experiencing in this country, and who are the perpetrators of most of the crimes.

There are certain people who contribute to this behaviour when the so-called entertainers dwell on certain political matters disrespecting people of a certain group, and giving these misfits the encouragement to attack those who may appear to be financially fortified.

These entertainers must tell the criminals in song how shameful they are with their useless lives. Their acts of violence, their cowardice, while living like parasites, eventually the rope would be their destiny. Instead of criticising certain people they should emulate them and follow in their footsteps while not wasting their God-given lives and terrorising the innocent people of this country.

There are those who seek academic fortunes and have placed first in the world in certain academic disciplines making their families proud, and whereas there are those who shame their families and put tears in their eyes, and grief in their hearts.

Is it the background that causes the un-ambition or is it laziness? What I notice is that one is very docile and wants to improve, but there are those who are very aggressive in the wrong direction, and no room for improvement but only criminal activities. Those who decide to live these criminal lives must be dealt with severely and they must pay with their lives when they commit murder. It is high time that the authorities think seriously about starting to hang those who kill innocent people, causing chaos in this country.




"The ambitious and the shameless"

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