Carnival message to the youth

THE EDITOR: This is an open letter to young people.

Dear young people, The mastery of self is vital for the integration of sexuality into your lives as youths and as adults.

At the present time human sexuality is characterised by a lack of inhibitions which is, alas, stimulated by a commercial exploitation of the sexual instinct.

Young people of Trinidad and Tobago, the union of bodies is the most forceful language by which two human beings can communicate with each other. This language, which touches the sacred mystery of man and woman, demands that the gestures of love should never be performed without the conditions of a complete and definitive assumption of responsibility for the partner and that this commitment should be undertaken publicly in marriage.

Young people of Trinidad and Tobago, preserve or rediscover at this Carnival time a healthy view of corporal values. Contemplate more- over Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of man.

He is the Word made flesh whom so many artists have painted with realism in order to signify to us clearly that the assumed everything of human nature, including sexuality, sublimating it in chastity.




"Carnival message to the youth"

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