Living ‘high’ on blood money

THE EDITOR: The horror stories continue. The dead baby found in the St Joseph river may well have been disposed of by a "safe humane procedure." Who is to say that the medical clinics aren’t utilised by these ‘doctors’ for their criminal gains and (as happened in other countries) careless dumping of the evidence ends up discovered unexpectedly.

Four-month babies in the womb cannot be aborted by coat hangers. It is much easier to engage the services of money-hungry professionals, so forget about "clandestine dangerous procedures." In this country, abortionists do not hide - this abortion was performed by a ‘doctor.’

Begging for legislative reform would not benefit the murdered children and does only harm (both physically and psychologically) to the mothers. Yet we know that morally bankrupt laws allow the slaughter of babies in the name of convenience/freedom/women’s rights! Current laws in the USA make it illegal for a parent to abandon a child. A young man who fathers a child in his teens, on turning eighteen, will have a garnishee placed on his earnings for the upkeep of his child. Parents who neglect or abuse their children can be jailed.

What a contradiction! A father who wants a child is denied because the woman decides to abort. Even if he would choose abortion, but the mother does not, he can be sued for patrimony. On the one hand the child is protected from the delinquency of his/her parents and on the other hand the parent’s delinquency is "assisted," by a contrived legislated "right." Primitive civilisations killed children for convenience, or to gain prosperity depending on their culture. These beliefs were abandoned when consciences were enlightened by science or philosophies that saw the wisdom of healing, charity and compassion. Humane societies require that all life be offered the right to protection. Denial of rights whether based on gender, race, ability, affiliations, beliefs or age, is simply inhumane.

Abortion advocates deny, yet cannot disprove that children suffer the pain of abortion. Science, with the advent of ultrasound, has proven as fact the pain babies experience in utero. Abortion is the one surgical procedure that is considered a failure if one person does not die. These mercenaries in white coats kill children and maim our women’s wombs. They belong in jail with rapists and bandits, not licensed as medical practitioners! They buy their million dollar homes, cars and yachts with blood money. Such gains should be confiscated and used to fight criminals from all walks of life!

We all hope for a future where justice and integrity reigns. We pray that educated zealous promoting death by abortion, put their God-given intelligence and talents to good use to bring an end to poverty and injustice.

Mother Teresa said: "Violence begins in the Womb" - We should consider her words or ignore them to our peril.




"Living ‘high’ on blood money"

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