Murdered policeman’s funeral on Monday

While relatives and friends prepare to lay Guy to rest, police officers are still trying to bring his killer to justice.

According to reports, Guy, 49, was off duty when he reportedly picked up two passengers while driving along Agra Street in St James.

At about 9.30 pm, loud explosions were heard.

The officer’s vehicle veered off the road and crashed into a nearby wall. Two passengers a man and a woman were seen alighting the vehicle and fleeing on foot.

Moments later, police discovered Guy slumped over in his car with gunshot wounds to the head.

A 20-year-old mother of two and her 29-year-old male companion were subsequently held and questioned by the police.

The two were later released.

Newsday understands that Guy last worked in the Highway Patrol Division and had 13 years’ experience in the Police Service.

Investigations are continuin


"Murdered policeman’s funeral on Monday"

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