Fire people telling ferry tales

The Mouttet report must be followed up by the Fraud Squad because we need justice. Those who are responsible for setting up the “go-between” company to charge taxpayers an additional US$6,000 day for the Cabo Star must face the courts.

Every manager, every employee involved must not be allowed to roam freely. There has to be serious consequences for those withholding information from the Board of the Port Authority.

There are surely criminal elements currently operating on the port if this report is proven true but there is also the possibility of political elements as well. The report shows that they were intentionally undermining the board and consequently the line minister by withholding documents and correspondence so as to advance their hidden agenda.

Then we hear of the attempt to bully the Government into a five-year contract for the Super- Fast Galicia, and the same people may have had an interest here also. The corruption at the port stinks and must not be allowed to continue.

All this trickery and mismanagement taking place and the people of Tobago are left suffering in the process.

I say fire them and bring them before the courts because we must never allow a few selfish and corrupt people to cause a whole country to be in disarray.



"Fire people telling ferry tales"

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