Inconsiderate Chaguaramas maxi-taxi drivers

THE EDITOR: Please permit me a space in your newspaper to relay an experience I had with a Chaguaramas maxi driver. I attend the Trinidad and Tobago Hospitality and Tourism Institute in Chaguaramas and I have to take a maxi to and from school. An evening after school, my friends and I were waiting for a maxi to go into Port-of-Spain.

A maxi soon stopped for us and the driver was very persistent in persuading us into his maxi. We soon gave in because there wasn’t any other maxis going into Port-of-Spain.

He told us he had to go further into Chaguaramas to drop off his passenger before heading into Port-of-Spain. When we entered the maxi he suddenly accelerated towards the man’s destination. On our way to Port-of-Spain the maxi was speeding and turning dangerously around the corners.

In the vicinity of West Mall the driver picked up a full load of passengers and dropped off two passengers on Wrightson Road.

He wasn’t able to provide proper change for them and was forced to ask another maxi driver for change. When we arrived at the maxi terminal in Port-of-Spain we both paid the driver with $20. The driver had no change for me. He had to get change so he checked nearby shops and maxi drivers. After waiting for ten minutes, he finally got the change and left without an apology for the inconvenience.

Maxi drivers should be aware that it is a service they are providing and the lives of their passengers are of utmost importance.

Drivers need to learn how to treat their passengers with more consideration so that this problem will never arise again.

His driving should be safer and careful instead of the reckless and dangerous way he drives. It is important for all maxi drivers and taxi drivers to always provide change no matter what the situation. In order for passengers to use your service, you should always be polite, caring and considerate to all passengers even the bad ones.

I am asking you to kindly publish my article, so that others can know of the problem passengers encounter on a daily basis while travelling in maxis.




"Inconsiderate Chaguaramas maxi-taxi drivers"

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