Don’t ever blame me
THE EDITOR: Excuses, excuses — * Crime is global, it exists everywhere — don’t blame me for not trying to reduce crime. * There are rotten cops in every police force — don’t blame me for not getting my cops to uphold the law. * Cocaine goes missing — this is not the first time, the system of preserving evidence cannot be flawless. * Prison officers are involved in drug trafficking — don’t blame me for not rehabilitating prisoners. * Eye in the sky was blind — this is a good public relations excuse of our failings, no one can be blamed. * US$2 million aid for Katrina Victims — poverty does not exist here, we don’t have to attend to misfortune if they are locals. * Budget 2006 — a grand stage for making empty promises. * The UNC is not for sale — don’t blame me if we don’t win the elections. DEREK I OUTRIDGE Port-of-Spain
"Don’t ever blame me"