Paying for a doctor’s signature

THE EDITOR: Allow me a space in your newspaper, to make the necessary authorities aware of the practice at our public health facilities, to pay for signatures.

Open your ears Mr John Rahael, Minister of Health and the National Insurance Board, and answer this question: "Why John Public have to pay the doctors at Port-of-Spain General Hospital or at the Health Centres to sign a medical certificate (sick leave) or a NI 15 (NIS sick leave form) or even a NI 19 (NIS injury leave form)?"

The nurses at Casualty Department or at the Registration Desk inform the patients that they must pay $10 or $15 for the doctor’s signature and stamp. I had to pay, my children had to pay, even after an accident on the job, so tell me why call it a public institution when you demand my private dollars?


El Socorro


"Paying for a doctor’s signature"

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