Only God can save us

THE EDITOR: Let us be honest with ourselves about the crime situation. The People’s National Movement (PNM) now Government, the United National Congress (UNC) — the Opposition, nor any other man made government cannot solve this problem, only the people themselves.

In the Bible and the Book of Jonah, Chapter 3 and I quote, "God send Jonah to warn the people of Nineveh of a similar situation that is happening right now. Jonah did deliver the message and the people did repent and humble themselves, and Jehovah God did heal the Land.

However, the word of God must be fulfilled. God says that the heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked, which they will call, "evil good - and good evil."

Praise the name of God, Praise God, and Praise Him.


Champs Fleurs


"Only God can save us"

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