Twelve days of Trini Christmas
THE EDITOR: The Twelve Days of Christmas "Trini" style: On the first day of Christmas, Trinidadians go to the grocery to shop for Christmas food, prices up again. Trini response: "What to do, ah cah eat de money!" On the second day of Christmas, vendors are still seen over downtown Port-of-Spain. Trini response: "Dey have to eat too, dey have to make ah living!" On the third day of Christmas floods all over the city streets. Trini response: "Is de government to blame, dey have to fix it!" On the fourth day of Christmas plenty traffic jam on the nation’s roads. Trini response: "Too much cars on de road boy!" On the fifth day of Christmas, Trinidadians want shopping time to buy Christmas gifts! Trini response: "Ah have to buy meh curtains and meh ham early!" On the sixth day of Christmas, the utility bills to be paid. Trini response: "Ah paying meh WASA bill and ah have no water in meh pipe!" On the seventh day of Christmas; Christmas party in full swing. Trini response: :Doh stop dis party, we going till "fuh dey" morning". I, till de sun come up. On the eighth day of Christmas, more new calypsos being aired on the radio stations. Trini response: "What Christmas"? Ah done pay down on meh costume already!" On the ninth day of Christmas, children’s toys still to be purchased. Trini response: "Ah eh buy de "red" fire truck for de boy yet, oh meh gawd!" On the tenth day of Christmas, monies almost finished after Christmas shopping. Trini response: "Money go come somehow!" On the eleventh day of Christmas, Trinidadians forget to buy Christmas presents for their mothers. Trini response: "Oh gawn meh mother, ah forget to buy she ah present!" And on the twelfth day of Christmas, Christmas Eve, Trinidadians now putting away the house, and polishing the floor. Trini response: "Is now ah feel like Christmas!" KEN SMITH Woodbrook
"Twelve days of Trini Christmas"